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Summer Mornings are the best – it’s warmer, lighter and so much easier to get out of bed (than those dreary winter months). It’s going to be a busy morning routine today, because it’s breadmaking day! Join me as I make the dough and go about my morning tasks as a busy Mama of 2.

How to Squeeze Breadmaking into a Summer’s Morning

Ever wonder how to fit sourdough breadmaking into your day when there is so much else to do? In between mothering, homemaking, and wife-ing, to top it all off with breadmaking, IS a bit of a stretch (see what I did there?).

On the mornings when I have to work breadmaking into the mix, I do have to be super-organised. The recipe I use for Sourdough is not hands on, but it does take time. So, I have to start it pretty early, to get it into the fridge in time for the overnight cool proof.

Sourdough breadmaking
The Delights of Sourdough are well worth the effort!

The beauty of the Sourdough Bread recipe is that between all the steps, there is enough time to get all the housework done and to do other things. I love the way these Sourdough Steps segment my morning – they allow me to see my progress and give me definitive time targets for the other chores I have to do.

Without further ado, here is what my Busy, Sourdough Breadmaking Morning Routine looks like.

6am – Wake-up

I am woken up by my lovely 6-month-old.  We always share a few giggles and ‘raspberries’, and snuggle in bed for a bit.

6.30am – Get Up and Make Bread Dough.

I finally get up.  This is the biggest battle of the day for me, but once I am up, I’m up. As I walk down the hallway to the kitchen, I pop in at eldest son’s bedroom, fling open the curtains and the window and straighten his bed.  I love that fresh morning air, it seems especially cleansing.

I drink LOTS of water because I am so thirsty, plus I like water to be the first thing that enters my body in the morning. It’s such a healthy way to wake up!

Today I made the sourdough dough before breakfast, just to get it underway.  Finished doing this at 7am.

7am – Breakfast Time

Every morning since we started having a $100 grocery budget, I have been making porridge for breakfast.  Put coffee on to percolate, took my fish oil supplement.  We also make sure we chew our cloves on an empty stomach.  We all eat breakfast together, the 6-month-old pawing for some out of hubby’s bowl.

7.30am – Stretch and Fold

Here we fit in the first stretch and fold for the sourdough.  It takes only 10 seconds! Then we enjoy some family time on the “soft seats” before hubby goes to work (in the study).  We read our bibles, talk, and finish our coffees.

8am – Chore Time

As the 8am alarm rings, Hubby staggers off to work, and I complete the  2nd stretch and fold for the sourdough. 

Now it’s Chore-time. I make our big bed, straighten the house, open all the windows.  If you’re wondering what the chidlers are doing, they are either playing of following me around – “helping”.

8.30am – Feeding Time

Half an hour into chore-time is the 3rd stretch and fold.  Generally by this time the 6-month-old is getting a bit crotchety and wants to be fed.  It is nice to take a breather and sit and feed him.  Usually my nearly-3-yr-old will come and “cuddle with mama” too.  It’s very sweet.

9am – Nap Time

4th and final stretch and fold. Leave the dough on the bench – I can forget about it for 6 hours, yay!  Around this time, I will put the 6mo down to sleep.  This could take a while!

9.30am – Work out Time

Workout at home
Home Workout for the win

With most of the chores and the final stretch and fold out of the way, I am now free to start my work out! These days I can fit this in while the 6mo sleeps and the 2yo plays.

Sometimes Mr 2yo joins in for pockets of time.  It’s quite nice actually – he yacks to me about his car and trucks while I huff and puff my responses.  I find (the majority of the time) I can still “bond” with him, even though working out is quite an insular activity.

10.30am – Ablutions time

Oh how I love this part of the Morning Routine. I feel like a new woman after cleansing myself with a cold shower, and getting dressed into fresh clothes.

11am – Lunch Time for Mr 2yo

It’s time to make lunch for the little 2yo.  We listen to and sing kids songs while he eats.  I have learned to clean the kitchen as well, so I am actually doing something but still WITH him.  He takes such a long time to eat, I find I have to keep my hands busy otherwise I would get VERY frustrated with him.

11.45am – Nap Time for Mr 2yo

After he finishes his lunch, I get the 2yo ready for his nap.  By this time his younger brother will be up, so he will be my little buddy for the next 2 hours.

12pm – Lunch Time for the Grown-Ups

After Mr 2yo has gone down for his nap, I prepare lunch for the Hubby and myself, then we get to sit and eat together. 

I am so grateful that he works from home.  It means we can talk about the little things, as well as the big things, which we didn’t get to do when he was driving into work every day. And sometimes the little things just need to have air time! I treasure the fact that we get to have breakfast, lunch AND dinner together. I’m a lucky wife!

Busy Morning Routine, Done!

That’s a Morning Routine featuring Sourdough breadmaking! As you saw, It is not too much more difficult to squeeze the breadmaking in. Breadmaking saves us a TON of money, plus I love that the bread is far healthier than we could buy from the supermarket.

My mornings tend to fly by, and I love that there is something a little bit different to do every day, like this breadmaking.  I love being at home and I glory in spending the mornings putting my little nest in order.

Are you a morning person? What is your favourite part of your morning routine?

busy morning routine

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