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There are so many reasons to adore homemaking. But even as an enthusiastic full-time Homemaker, I find myself getting discouraged, frustrated and lonely. I have to choose to love this important role, from baking the bread to cleaning the toilet. And I’m blessed: from crafting memories with my two little boys to sharing a cozy home with my husband just a room away, each day does indeed fill with charm and fulfillment. In this article I am going to share 18 reasons that have helped me to revel in my role as a homemaker.

Benefits of homemaking

1. Who’s The Boss?

In the world of homemaking, you’re the ultimate boss, directing the daily symphony of household life. You’re the planner, the arranger, crafting your space just the way you like it. Whether it’s mealtime or managing routines, you’re in charge, creating a cozy and nurturing atmosphere. While it can be daunting at times, the best part is doing it all for your loved ones, making their world brighter. Being the boss at home means spreading joy and warmth, creating precious memories with every decision. So, embrace your role as the chief architect of your home and enjoy the journey!

2. Get your Easel Out

Because your home is your canvas, Homemaker, awaiting your creative touch. Even if you are renting, you still hold the decoration helm. From choosing the color scheme to adorning with flair, it’s all up to you. Whether your style is eclectic, grand millennial, or classical, your taste reigns supreme.

The beauty lies in pouring your heart into making your home reflect your personality. As you infuse it with your essence, you’ll find increasing delight in being there. And that joy will radiate throughout your environment, captivating your husband, children, and guests alike. Your home becomes a charming and memorable sanctuary, a reflection of your unique spirit.

3. Hello, Mother Time

As a Homemaker, you hold the reins of time, shaping your day according to your needs and desires. From deciding when to rise and when to rest, to allocating time for tasks, it’s all in your hands. What’s truly liberating is the ability to craft each day uniquely, defining your own measure of success by your to-do list.

On days when you need a break, you have the power to lighten your load without judgment. There’s no one pushing you forward or scrutinizing your pace. It’s just you and your loved ones, relishing the moments together. And truth be told, your children will cherish these unhurried days with you.

4. Soak it Up

As a Homemaker, you wield the power to sculpt your day, whether it’s bustling with activity or filled with tranquility. There’s no external pressure pushing you forward. This allows you to savor the little moments as they unfold. So, when a moment of peace washes over you, embrace it fully. And when your child shares a sweet gesture, revel in it together.

Unlike in paid employment, where time is strictly accounted for, homemaking invites you to prioritize these precious moments. Your role is to curate a tapestry of cherished experiences within your home. With this flexibility, you can seize and amplify these moments of joy, creating a haven filled with love and warmth.

5. Level Up

Homemakers enjoy unparalleled flexibility, allowing them to delve into skills that others can only pursue after work hours. Despite busy schedules, homemakers find pockets of time throughout the day to invest in personal growth. For instance, I’ve honed my sewing skills in between tasks, a luxury I wouldn’t have in a traditional job setting.

With access to equipment and uninterrupted time, I’ve mastered various projects, from quilts to upcycling clothes. These pockets of time, sprinkled throughout the day, provide fertile ground for practice and eventual mastery. Homemakers embrace the opportunity to cultivate new skills, enriching their lives in ways that extend beyond household chores.

6. We mean Business!

Homemakers possess the freedom to embark on entrepreneurial journeys, utilizing their pockets of time to nurture business ventures. Unlike traditional employment, where demands consume mental space, homemakers can dedicate themselves to crafting and executing business plans.

Being your own boss grants the autonomy to merge homemaking skills seamlessly into entrepreneurship. This pursuit not only complements homemaking but also has the potential to flourish alongside it. Embracing entrepreneurship as a homemaker allows for a harmonious balance, where both endeavors enrich and empower each other.

7. Teach It, Mama!

Reason to love being a homemaker: Being in charge of your children's education

Homemakers opting to homeschool their children have the unique advantage of overseeing their education entirely. This autonomy offers numerous benefits, addressing concerns about curriculum, individual attention, and educational quality.

As a parent and educator, homemakers can tailor learning experiences to suit their child’s needs and preferences. Armed with intimate knowledge of their child’s learning style, homemakers can customize curriculum and teaching methods accordingly. This personalized approach fosters a deeper passion for learning, which may be challenging to achieve in a traditional classroom setting.

Moreover, homemakers can dedicate undivided attention to their child’s education, ensuring a comprehensive and enriching learning journey. By harnessing their love for teaching and intimate understanding of their child, homemakers can create a nurturing environment conducive to academic growth and exploration.

8. Budgeting Prowess

Homemakers possess the flexibility to implement budget-saving strategies that may be challenging while working outside the home. For instance, foregoing unnecessary expenses like clothing purchases is feasible due to the absence of professional attire expectations at home. This decision contributes significantly to financial savings, a luxury not easily attainable in an office setting.

Furthermore, staying at home eliminates expenses associated with commuting, such as running a second car, purchasing petrol, or covering daycare costs. These savings further bolster the household budget, providing financial stability and flexibility.

Additionally, homemakers can leverage their time to create money-saving items from scratch, such as bread and yogurt. This hands-on approach not only reduces expenses but also fosters a sense of satisfaction and resourcefulness. By embracing these budget-conscious practices, homemakers effectively manage household finances while maximizing the value of their time at home.

9. Express Yourself

Homemakers have the delightful privilege of dressing exactly how they please. Gone are the days of professional attire; instead, you can embrace your unique style or opt for cozy comfort—whatever makes you feel your best!

In your own home, there’s no need to worry about judgment or praise from others. It’s just you and your loved ones, creating a welcoming atmosphere where you can be yourself without reservation.

Sure, it might feel a bit strange at first, deciding what to wear when only your family will see you. But ultimately, this freedom allows you to express your individuality and feel truly at home in your own skin.

10. Embracing Nature:

Reason to love being a homemaker: Spending more time outside

Homemakers have the wonderful opportunity to soak up the benefits of fresh air and sunshine, which are like gold for our health and well-being. Unlike office jobs that confine us indoors during daylight hours, we can freely choose how much time to spend outside, whether it’s going for a leisurely walk or tending to our garden.

Spending time outdoors not only boosts our physical health by providing essential Vitamin D but also uplifts our mood and energy levels. In contrast, too much indoor time can leave us feeling drained and depleted.

While office workers may only catch brief glimpses of sunlight during the day, homemakers enjoy the luxury of maximizing these natural benefits whenever they please. So let’s embrace the freedom to bask in the beauty of nature and nourish our bodies and souls with its abundant gifts!

11. Flexibility:

This is a big reason to love being a homemaker. Homemaking is the most flexible job on the planet! The Homemaker is the author of their own time. They do not have to report to anyone or have meetings that they have to attend. You can choose what you fill your day with and when you will do what. You do not have to consolidate your plans with anyone else (unless you want to).

So, you can be spontaneous: be it fitting in a workout, or a last-minute dash to the shop.

But the real beauty of homemaking flexibility? We’re a constant presence for our loved ones. Whether it’s nursing a sick child or supporting our spouse, we can be there without the added stress of requesting time off or finding a replacement. It’s this ability to prioritize family needs seamlessly that truly sets homemaking apart.

12. Creating a Nurturing Atmosphere:

Another reason to love being a homemaker is that you can fully invest in your loved ones.

As a full-time homemaker, my primary focus is on cultivating a nurturing home environment that enriches the lives of all who reside within its walls. Freed from the demands and stresses of a traditional job, I can dedicate my time, energy, and passion to creating a space where my family can flourish.

Unlike the pressures of professional life and workplace dynamics, homemakers can prioritize the well-being of their household without distractions. Stress, the silent intruder, finds no foothold in a home nurtured with love and care.

Without the need to wear a professional mask, I can wholeheartedly immerse myself in homemaking, ensuring that every corner of our home reflects warmth and harmony. It’s a privilege to devote myself to crafting an environment where my children and husband can thrive, free from the burdens of outside stressors.

13. Wholehearted Investment in Loved Ones:

One of the greatest joys of being a homemaker is the opportunity to wholeheartedly invest in the well-being of your loved ones.

As a full-time homemaker, you become the ultimate advocate for your family members. Your care and support create an environment where your husband and children can thrive and flourish.

I cherish the ability to focus solely on tending to my family’s needs without the distractions of work-related stress. While challenges arise, the fulfillment of nurturing my “flock” outweighs any difficulties. It’s a privilege to provide my loved ones with undivided attention and unwavering care, free from the pressures of a traditional job.

14. Save BIG

Staying at home as a homemaker is a money-saving marvel! Without the need for a second car or daycare expenses, our household budget breathes a sigh of relief. The ability to handle tasks like cleaning, cooking, and gardening ourselves not only saves money on appliances but also ensures that every penny counts.

Living on a single income is made manageable by the countless expenses we avoid, making the choice to stay at home an invaluable investment in our family’s financial well-being.

15. Handling Life’s Curveballs:

One of the best perks of being a homemaker is the ability to handle life’s unexpected curveballs with ease.

Life is full of surprises, from power outages to water leaks, and even global pandemics. As a homemaker, I can tackle these challenges head-on without the added pressure of outside responsibilities. I have the time and flexibility to find solutions without worrying about letting down colleagues or clients.

With the freedom to focus solely on resolving issues at home, I can address them before they spiral into larger problems, ensuring a smoother path forward for my family.

16. Community Support:

One of the wonderful aspects of being a homemaker is the incredible availability it offers. With the flexibility to be at home, we have the power to cook meals, tidy up, create care packages, or lend a helping hand to anyone in our community who needs it.

Homemakers have a special ability to connect people and offer support where it’s needed most. By being present and ready to assist, we create the opportunity to bring people together and spread warmth and kindness.

17. Lend Yourself A Hand

One of the greatest perks of being a homemaker is the ability to prioritize self-care.

Feeling overwhelmed, Homemaker? Take a breather!

As a full-time homemaker, you have the freedom to pause for a moment of rest, sip on a coffee, or simply catch your breath whenever you need it. Juggling household duties can be exhausting, and I’ve found it crucial to carve out time in my day for a soothing break—whether it’s a quiet moment with a hot drink in the afternoon or a brief respite in the evening.

With autonomy over your schedule, you can create the space you need to recharge and rejuvenate. Unlike in a 9-to-5 job where your time is often dictated by external demands, being a homemaker allows you the flexibility to prioritize your well-being and avoid burnout.

18. Spiritual Nourishment

One of the most beautiful aspects of being a homemaker is the opportunity to create a sanctuary for God within your home.

Unlike in a traditional office setting, where distractions abound and it can be challenging to connect with God, homemakers have the freedom to invite His presence into every moment of their day.

Whether it’s a joyful celebration or a moment of deep struggle, there’s no limit to how we can express our faith within the sacred walls of our homes. From songs of praise to heartfelt prayers, we have the power to cultivate a space where God’s presence is palpable and transformative.

For me, being a homemaker has provided the space and privacy to truly immerse myself in God’s love and find solace in His embrace amidst life’s ups and downs.


Homemaking isn’t just a role; it’s a cherished opportunity to cultivate a life filled with purpose, creativity, and connection. From embracing flexibility to savoring precious moments with loved ones, each aspect of homemaking offers a unique and fulfilling experience. So, relish every moment and continue to find joy and fulfillment in the art of homemaking.

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