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You may never do your Christmas Shop at the Mall Again. We won’t.

One thing I am grateful for from the pandemic is the rise of online shopping (and, it seems, the resurgence of the post).  For the past 2 years, my husband and I did our Christmas shopping online, and we are going to do it again this year.  And probably for evermore.  Seriously. It is just so easy, so stress-free, and our presents were exactly right. (Side note – we also do our Grocery Shop Online)

After reading this article, you might be tempted to do the same (or nodding your head in agreement, if you are already an online Christmas Present shopper!)

This post contains affiliate links, so I may earn a small commission when you make a purchase through links on this site at no additional cost to you.

You don’t have to find a Carpark

No room at the…carpark

You know it is Christmas when you have to drive around the mall 50 times before you find an available park.  And it’s probably the furthest one away, and you’ll probably forget where it is by the end of the night.  If you shop online, you will not even leave the house, so that saves, on petrol and time wasted in traffic getting to the mall.

You don’t have to fight the crowds

It is like the world population suddenly comes alive when it is time to get Christmas presents.  Long queues at the counter, squeezing through the aisles, being rushed into a purchase because someone is breathing down your neck…none of that you have to deal with if you shop online.   The only fight you may have is how much to spend!

There is More selection online

When you go to a physical shop, you are limited to the range that shop has, on that given day.  Online stores are better stocked, have more variety, and there are more novel items to choose from. Every shop nowadays has an online store, which is probably better stocked than the physical store you will go to.  There are also websites like Once It, The Market and NZ Sale which are basically online malls – they have everything from all categories, often at a reduced price.   They also have useful “christmas present” categories to make your shopping experience a whole lot quicker.

You can find the same things for cheaper

Outlet online stores such as Once It and NZ Sale often have the good stuff at discounted prices.  For my hubby’s birthday I found this sandwich press from Once It, which was $80 cheaper (at the time) than the same from Briscoes. NZ Sale has really good perfume, cosmetic and clothing brands for a fraction of the price.

the joy of lots of packages arriving in the post

Christmas on the Porch

We call the Red Post Van, ‘Santa’s Super Sleigh’ at our house.  It is honestly so wonderful to wake up in the morning and realise that a mysterious package will arrive on your doorstep that day.  It truly does feel like Santa dropped it off!  And if you just wrap it straight away, then that builds up the anticipation of Christmas day even more!

Santa’s Super Sleigh in all his glory

You can sit on your couch

Shopping for Christmas presents at the mall is so exhausting.  It usually takes the whole day, and you are on your feet for most of it.  It feels like you have run a marathon!  When you shop online, you can do it from the comfort of your couch.  Heck, you could even make a delicious Hot Chocolate, squashed with Marshmallows, a bowl of chocolates, and munch away as you shop. 

Hot Chocolate and online christmas shop
Now we’re ready for a spot of Online Shopping

If that isn’t bliss, I don’t know what is!

You don’t have to take your kids

I love the little munchkins, and it is so sweet seeing their little faces light up with all the Christmas decorations and trees and elves.   BUT, with a lot of presents to buy, you just want to get the shop DONE and not have to worry about your children getting tired or hungry or greedy.

If you do the shop online, you can plonk the kids in bed and get cosy on the couch and browse to your heart’s content.

You don’t have to do it in one hit

You travelled so far to actually get to the mall, and by jinks, you aren’t going to make that trip twice!  If you have a pram, it starts heaving beneath the weight of all those gifts, and you can’t see your baby anymore.  If you don’t have a pram, then I hope you have a trolley!

But then, in the car ride home you suddenly remember you forgot Aunty Jan!!! Argh! Then you have to go through the whole ordeal all over again (if you’ve only got a week to go, that is).

With online shopping, as long as you have enough time for delivery, you can do a partial shop in the morning, do some chores, maybe some more in the evening, sleep, and then some more the next day. No car trips, no traffic, no trying to find a carpark. All. Over. Again.

Cons of Christmas Shopping online:

You may have to pay for postage

This IS annoying.  However, it is the only extra cost associated with online shopping.  When you go to a mall, you pay for petrol, eating out, maybe even parking. 

You have to do it early, otherwise you might miss out. 

If you want your presents to get to you by Christmas, I would recommend getting online now!  This con does have a benefit, though: you get your shopping done early so there’s no last minute (and often stressful) rush.

What sites are best for Christmas shopping online ?

If you are keen to start Christmas shopping online, but have no idea where to begin, the sites that Hubby and I always go back to are:

Note, these sites are exclusive to NZ, but there are international sites such as Amazon or Ali Baba which have pretty much everything.

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