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A delicious Smoky Spiced Aioli with a truck load of flavour and a deliciously thick, creamy texture. Cheap to make and can be used to elevate anything from poached eggs to salads, soups, stews and curries!

smoky spiced aioli

Why You’ll Love this Recipe

  • It’s Cheap. You probably have everything you need already for this delicious smoky spiced aioli recipe. A neutral oil, an egg or two, and a few simple spices is all it takes to make this luscious, thick, creamy mayonnaise. No need to shell out on expensive oil or specialty spices for this one!
  • It tastes like Artisan Mayonnaise. The combination of herbs and spices in this recipe is simply heavenly. It’ll add a touch of sophistication and a bomb of flavour to your poached eggs or on top of your salads. It tastes BETTER than any artisan mayonnaise, for a fraction of the price!
  • It’s SO simple to make. A whizz stick (or hand blender) makes this mayonnaise ultra easy to make. Simply crack your eggs in, add the flavourings, then slowly add the oil as you blend. In under a minute you’ll have your sublime artisan mayonnaise!
  • It can be added to soups and curries. I like adding a spoonful or two of this smoky spiced aioli to soups, stews or curries. It gives them a lovely creamy texture, and adds a depth of flavour that keeps you wanting more!

Tips for the Perfect Aioli

Making aioli, a delicious garlic-infused mayonnaise, can be a bit tricky, but here are some tips to help you achieve a perfect result:

Whisk Continuously

Whisk constantly while adding the oil. If you stop, the mixture can separate.

Use the Right Tools

A whisk or a hand blender works best. If using a hand blender, keep it running while adding the oil.

Consistency Check

If the aioli is too thick, you can add a few drops of water to thin it out. This won’t affect the emulsion.


Store aioli in the refrigerator in an airtight container. It should last for up to a week.

Broken Emulsion

If the mixture separates, you can start with a new egg yolk in a clean bowl, then slowly whisk the broken aioli into the new yolk.


  • Eggs – Although traditional aioli does not use eggs, I have added them to this recipe for that luxurious, smooth mouth feel. I used a couple of eggs in this recipe, simply because I wanted to fill my jar with this lovely smoky spiced aioli. If you use a couple of eggs, you’ll probably get about 1 1/2 cups of this aioli. No need to separate the eggs, either – this recipe uses the whole thing! If you do not have any eggs, you can substitute for aquafaba. You will not notice any difference in texture or taste!
  • Vinegar – white vinegar stabilizes the eggs and allows the oil to be emulsified without the mixture splitting.
  • Oil – I use a neutral oil such as canola or rice bran oil for my aioli. Don’t be tempted to use olive oil, it just tastes nasty in aioli (trust me: been there, done that!). The neutral oil will carry the smoky spices without competing with them – plus, it makes this mayonnaise a lot cheaper to make!
  • Garlic – garlic is a key ingredient in this recipe. It’s what makes aioli aioli, rather than just an ordinary mayonnaise. Even if you do not like garlic, I think this recipe would be vastly different without it. The garlic adds a delicious umami flavour that really rounds out the paprika and parsley.
  • Parsley – this delicious herb adds a freshness which makes the mayonnaise go so well with eggs and salads.
  • Smoked Paprika – I LOVE smoked paprika. The level of flavour is far superior to the unsmoked version, in my humble opinion! You will not regret buying it, even if just for the purpose of this aioli!
  • Chicken Stock Powder – Instead of salt, I like to use chicken stock powder in some recipes, this one included. It just adds another level of flavour, taking this smoky spiced aioli to the next level.
  • Erythritol Sweetener – every savoury dish needs an element of sweetness to bring balance. This aioli just needs a touch of erythritol sweetener (such as Truvia) to complement the salt and vinegar and marry the flavours together as a whole.


This smoky spiced aioli recipe is so easy to make. It’ll take you less than 5 minutes, including gathering all the ingredients!

First, you need to crack the eggs into your jar of choice. Make sure your jar has a wide lid to fit your stick blender, and that it is large enough to hold about 1 1/2 cups of mixture. I like to use an old 700g jar (priorly used for peanut butter) for this recipe.

Add a dash of white vinegar to your eggs, along with the garlic, chicken stock, smoked paprika and parsley (I only like adding the erythritol at the end once I have taste-tested the mixture).

Using the hand blender, pulse this mixture until the garlic is pulverised. You don’t want any large clumps of garlic in this aioli! That would come as a bit of a nasty shock later!

Make sure the garlic is fully pulverised – you do not want any lingering clumps of garlic!

With the stick blender whizzing, slowly add your oil. I like to pour it in straight from the bottle (rather than from a measuring cup) as this makes a thinner stream of oil. This means your mixture is less likely to split.

Keep pouring the oil in a thin stream until your mixture is at the thickness you like. For me, this is about 1 cup to 1 and a 1/2 cups of oil. I like it really thick, so that it is spoon-able, rather than pourable.

Once the mixture is at the thickness you like, taste and add the erythritol sweetener. A little goes a long way, so only add a little at a time!

Smoky Spiced Aioli

Smoky Spiced Aioli

Yield: 1 1/2 Cups
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Total Time: 5 minutes

A delicious Smoky Spiced Aioli with a truck load of flavour and a deliciously thick, creamy texture. Cheap to make and can be used to elevate anything from poached eggs to salads, soups, stews and curries!


  • 2 Eggs
  • 2 tablespoons white vinegar
  • 1 - 1 1/2 cups neutral oil (such as canola, vegetable or rice bran oil).
  • 1 teaspoon chicken stock powder
  • 2-3 cloves of garlic
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon parsley
  • 1/3 teaspoon erythritol sweetener, such as Truvia.


    1. First, you need to crack the eggs into your jar of choice.
    2. Add the vinegar, along with the garlic, chicken stock, smoked paprika and parsley (I only like adding the erythritol at the end once I have taste-tested the mixture).
    3. Using the hand blender, pulse this mixture until the garlic is pulverised. You don't want any large clumps of garlic in this aioli!
    4. With the stick blender whizzing, slowly add your oil. I like to pour it in straight from the bottle (rather than from a measuring cup) as this makes a thinner stream of oil. This means your mixture is less likely to split.
    5. Keep pouring the oil in a thin stream until your mixture is at the thickness you like. For me, this is about 1 to 1 and a 1/2 cups of oil. I like it really thick, so that it is spoon-able, rather than pourable.
    6. Once the mixture is at the thickness you like, taste and add the erythritol sweetener. A little goes a long way, so only add a little at a time!


  • Make sure your jar has a wide lid, to fit your stick blender, and that it is large enough to hold about 1 1/2 cups of mixture. I like to use an old 700g jar (priorly used for peanut butter) for this recipe.
  • I only like adding the erythritol at the end once I have taste-tested the mixture.
  • I like to pour the oil straight from the bottle (rather than from a measuring cup) as this makes a thinner stream of oil. This means your mixture is less likely to split.
  • Broken Emulsion: If the mixture separates, you can start with a new egg yolk in a clean bowl, then slowly whisk the broken aioli into the new yolk.
  • Storage: store aioli in the refrigerator in an airtight container. It should last for up to a week

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