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Do you ever dream of feeling instantly slimmer without the hassle of fad diets or complicated fitness routines? Well, dream no more, mama! We’ve got your back with these 8 stay-at-home tricks that promise to make you feel fabulous, confident, and yes, instantly slimmer. So, let’s dive into the magic of mama-approved instant slimming tricks that will leave you glowing and ready to conquer the day!

Yes it is true that you can feel slimmer in an instant.  And, I mean INSTANTLY SLIMMER.   If you try these 8 slimming things, you will too… I promise! If I have done all these 8 things in one day, I will wake up the next day with no feeling of puffiness, grogginess, or fatigue.  I feel better in my skin, and have a more positive mindset for the day.

These 8 things are all simple to do because I am all about low-maintenance, simple health. You do not even have to leave your house to do them!

Ok, Enough already!  Let’s get into the nitty gritty!

1. Cut Out Sugary Drinks

This was one of the Instant Slimming Tricks I found most difficult to adopt. Cutting out sugary drinks is so hard for me, because I tell you what, I LOOVE hot Chocolate and those artificial coffee sachets. Anything that is creamy, hot, and sweet. Give it to me, and LOTS of it, please!

instant slimming secret number 1creamy hot chocolate

After I bid farewell to those tempting hot chocolates and artificial coffee sachets, I noticed instant results to my waistline. I swapped them for water or a soothing herbal tea, and could actually feel (not just see) the change in my body. My skin was glowing! My eyes looked brighter! And fluid retention was gone.

The thing about sugary drinks, is that they are so full of sugar, preservatives and emulsifiers that they are probably the worse thing to put into your body. And I notice it.  I can feel my skin cells clogging. And I can feel the inflammation.  If I swap it out and just have water or a herbal tea, I still get that hand-to-mouth gratification without my body getting into a slump.

These dangerously delightful sugary drinks are NOT budget friendly, either. They bump up the grocery bill like nothing else, and add no nutrient value whatsoever. If that wasn’t a disincentive, I don’t know what is!

2. Workout In The Morning

Morning workouts are a game-changer. They energize your day, enhance metabolism, and reduce cravings. Exercise in the crisp morning air for a refreshing start. Your body will thank you, and so will your positive mindset!

I have found working out in the morning is to be more effective than working out in the afternoon.  On the days that I can get my workout in before noon, I notice I have a lot of energy for the rest of the day.  I feel like I metabolise my meals better, and I have less cravings.

Often if I leave it to the afternoon, I feel sluggish and I am not able to workout as effectively.  I don’t feel as good during or after the workout (even if it had been the same kind of workout).

That early morning start is worth it, mama! Plus, it doesn’t hang over you if you get it over and done with, early.

3. Intense Workout

Not just any workout but a short, intense session works wonders. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) with powerful moves like burpees gets that heart pumping. It not only slims you down but revs up your metabolism, burning more calories at rest.

I definitely feel slimmer after a short, intense workout. Intense workouts of shorter length get my blood pumping and my sweat pouring are far more than longer workouts of lesser intensity. They challenge me more, and achieve better definition.  

HIIT-style workouts with rest periods, and powerful moves, such as burpees and press ups, help build muscle.  And with greater muscle mass comes a greater rest metabolic rate. This means your body burns more calories, even when you are sleeping! Who doesn’t want that?

4. Cold Shower

Feeling puffy and inflamed? A cold shower is your superhero move. It shrinks those cells, wakes you up, and invigorates your energy levels. Even in the middle of winter, a cold shower can be your instant slimming trick to combat water retention and refine your silhouette.

Have a Cold shower is another instant slimming secret

If I am feeling puffy, bloated and inflamed, a coooold shower will make me feel like a new person, and brings great relief during the water-retention days of pregnancy. You should try it – you might get a bit addicted!

Ice baths have become a bit of a trend in recent times. And with good reason – they reduce brown fat storage in the body, enhance quantity and quality of sleep, and improves cellular longevity. What Mama does not want to be slim, get better sleep and reverse the signs of aging? What side is Cold?

5. designated afternoon tea time

Plan a special afternoon treat to curb grazing between lunch and dinner. A designated tea time with a delightful treat helps you eat less, allowing your body to metabolize food effectively. Because let’s be real, Mama needs her treats!

If I know that a yummy treat is coming in the afternoon, I am less likely to graze in the hours between lunch and 3pm. In this house, there is a massive stretch from Lunchtime (12pm SHARP) till dinnertime (6pm). If there isn’t a set afternoon snack time, I tend to ferret things out of the pantry or fridge. 

Having a small meal at 3pm gives me something to look forward to, and ties me over till dinner, so I ultimately eat less and give my body a chance to actually metabolise the food (rather than constantly shoveling stuff into my gob!)

And I’m not talking about an apple here, people!  My afternoon tea could be a massive wedge of this loaf, or a gigantic bowl of my favourite Strawberry IceCream.

6. Only drink herbal tea in between meals

Guzzle that herbal tea, Mama! It’s low in calories and high in nutritional benefits. Green tea, in particular, makes your body feel restored and repaired. Ditching coffee sachets for herbal tea can make you feel significantly slimmer. Mama’s secret weapon revealed!

After a piping hot mug of Green Tea, my body feels like it is repairing and my cells feel like they are being restored.  I don’t drink herbal teas as often as I should, but when I do, I always think “I should do this more often!”

Recently, I spent a week not having any coffee sachets, and only drinking herbal tea with my snacks and I noticed a massive difference in my body.  I felt significantly slimmer at the end of the week from just that one change.

7. Keep busy

Busy hands, happy metabolism! This is one of the best instant slimming tricks. Being a stay-at-home mama comes with its perks. Keeping busy with hands-on chores distracts you from unnecessary snacking. Forget about that desk-grazing habit—stand up, stay active, and embrace a more effective mealtime metabolism.

Keeping busy is a massive instant slimming trick. I found this easier to do as a mum and homemaker, than when I was working at an office.  My mornings are full of hands-on chores, so I do not actually get a chance to sit down and eat something until lunchtime.

When I was working, and at my desk all day, I found it SO difficult not to grazeI gained a fair amount of weight simply because I was sitting down all day with easy access to snacks. I was busy, but only with my mind.  Being on your feet and doing something REALLY helps to distract you so you forget completely about eating. 

It is so nice to come to a meal actually hungry, and I believe you metabolise that meal more effectively when that happens.

8. Not Snacking In The Evening

Mama, resist the post-dinner snacks! Eating late in the evening slows down metabolism. Train yourself to avoid snacking after dinner, and wake up feeling instantly slimmer. Mama’s bedtime secret to feeling fabulous the next day!

Learn from my mistakes: this is one of the most effective instant slimming tricks: don’t eat anything after you have finished dinner. This is a terrible habit that I still need to train myself out of.  And small confession:  I am still snacking after dinner, AND dessert!! Did I just say that on the internet?

NOT Snacking in the evening - instant slimming secret number 8

The hours before bed are the worst time to eat, because your metabolism is slowing down, so the food you eat just doesn’t get utilised.  I have heard that you should eat breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, and Dinner like a Pauper.

This is quite a tricky thing to do because who has time to prepare a feast for breakfast?  Not I. But, it makes sense in terms of having your smallest meal at dinner, because you actually aren’t doing much in the evening to warrant a big meal.

I DEFINITELY feel slimmer the next day when I have refrained from eating a couple of hours before bedtime.

Share Your Mama Wisdom!

What are your go-to instant slimming tricks, mama? Share your wisdom and let’s celebrate the beauty of feeling fabulous in our own skin! Comment below and keep the stay-at-home mama community thriving.

Stay fabulous, stay slim, Mama!

Steph @ SimplyHomeandHealth 💖🌼

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