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Hey there, fellow mamas! If you’re anything like me, you know that life as a stay-at-home mom is a beautiful chaos of love, laughter, and endless to-do lists. And let’s face it, our closets can sometimes be a reflection of that chaos, especially when space is limited. But fear not! Today, we’re diving into the world of small closet organization, and I’m here to share 10 practical tips that revolutionized my small closet space, and saved my sanity in the midst of the daily mom hustle.

1. Declutter Like a Ninja:

Small closets demand a ruthless decluttering session. I get it; parting with those pre-mom jeans can be tough, but trust me, it’s liberating. Grab a cup of coffee, put on your favorite tunes, and let the decluttering magic begin. Here’s a tip to declutter like Marie Kondo: Create three piles; keep, donate, and toss, and stick to it! Remember to be honest with yourself – is there any point “saving” clothes for when you “might” fit them again? I am SO guilty of this, these clothes are the hardest for me to get rid of!

2. Maximize Vertical Space:

Adding a few strategic shelves creates more storage space where there was none!

When floor space is at a premium, think vertical! Utilizing vertical space allows you to store more things in your closet than you originally thought possible. Invest in some sturdy shelves or hanging organizers to make the most of that often-overlooked space above your hanging clothes. I’ve found this to be a game-changer for storing items like handbags, shoes, and accessories. Plus, it frees up valuable floor space for your toddler’s latest art project.

3. Seasonal Rotation:

There’s definitely more space in the summer months in my small closet than in the winter months!

Living in a climate with four distinct seasons means we can create more space by rotating un-used clothes. Store off-season clothes in bins or vacuum-sealed bags under the bed, in the attic, or under the stairs. We have ladder-accessible roof storage, which is purgatory for all our seasonal and rarely-used items. It’s a blessing! Stowing away the unneeded seasonal stuff not only keeps your closet uncluttered but also makes getting dressed in the morning a breeze. No more digging through sweaters in the middle of summer!

4. Hanging Organizers:

You need Hanging Organizers in your Life!

A fantastic way to utilize vertical space in your small closet, is to invest in a hanging organizer. There are so many versions of these you can get: for socks and undies, for t-shirts, even for shoes! Investing in a hanging organizer is a great way to make your clothes look neat and tidy, but it also makes choosing your outfit easier: no more rummaging through drawers. Everything has it’s own compartment!

Hanging Organizers can be found really inexpensively on sites like Amazon, Kmart, Shein and Mighty Ape. Trust me on this: they will make organizing your small closet an absolute dream!

5. Color Coordination Calm:

While there are many different ways to categorize your small closet, colour sorting has got to be my favourite!

Sorting your clothes by color might sound like an Instagram-worthy dream, but it’s a practical solution for busy mamas too. Not only does it make your closet visually appealing, but it also helps you quickly find that elusive black top when you’re running late for a playdate. Trust me; this color-coordinated chaos reduction is a simple mom hack you didn’t know you needed.

6. Baskets and Bins for the Win:

small closet organization
Baskets make small closet organization a dream!

Small closet organization is all about making the most of every inch. Introduce baskets and bins to corral smaller items like scarves, hats, and even baby socks. These can be easily stacked or slid onto shelves, creating a tidy and accessible space for those tiny essentials. It’s like a treasure hunt every time you open the closet door, plus with all the small items hidden away, your closet, at a glance, looks so much neater!

7. Capsule Wardrobe Brilliance:

small closet organization
A Capsule wardrobe not only minimizes the small closet organization problem, but also promotes mindful consumerism.

Embrace the simplicity of a capsule wardrobe, especially when dealing with a small closet. Curate a collection of versatile pieces that can be mixed and matched effortlessly. Not only does this streamline your daily outfit decisions, but it also ensures that every item in your closet earns its keep. Less really is more!

8. DIY Shoe Rack Magic:

small closet organization
A place for everything, and everything in it’s place! That’s how to get control of the shoe situation.

Shoes have a sneaky way of taking over a closet, especially in a small space. Get creative with a DIY shoe rack made from inexpensive materials like PVC pipes or even repurposed wooden crates. You can even buy hanging shoe racks to hook over the back of your door! This not only keeps your shoe collection organized but also adds a touch of uniqueness to your closet that’s sure to impress visitors (once we start having visitors again).

9. Mirror, Mirror on the Door:

small closet organization
Is it a door, or a mirror? Having doubly-purposed space is essential in small closet organization.

If your small closet lacks space for a full-length mirror, consider adding one to the back of the closet door. Not only does it save wall space in your bedroom, but it’s also a convenient spot for those last-minute outfit checks before you embark on another day of mom duties. Multifunctional solutions are the name of the game!

10. Celebrate Small Wins:

Finally, remember that organizing a small closet is an ongoing process. Celebrate the small wins, whether it’s finding the perfect spot for your favorite handbag or managing to keep those toddler shoes in pairs. As busy mamas, we juggle a lot, and a little organization goes a long way in making our lives a tad more manageable.


So, there you have it, fellow mamas! Small closet organization is not just about creating a visually appealing space; it’s about simplifying your life and reclaiming precious minutes in your day. Embrace these tips, adapt them to your unique mom-life situation, and transform your small closet into a sanctuary of order and style amidst the beautiful chaos. You’ve got this!

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