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Is it even Thanksgiving without a Thanksgiving dessert? This national winter holiday is begging for something deeply aromatic, frosted, and sticky sweet. In this article I include show-stopping desserts that are a feast for the eyes as well as the palate. Perfect for entertaining and impressing a large crowd, these desserts are plain dazzling. Some are safe for those with sensitivities, too! I hope you enjoy this collection of amazing desserts!

What Is Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving is an annual National holiday in the United States and Canada. Usually on the last Thursday week of November, Thanksgiving is a day to remember a time where the pilgrims faced severe poverty and were looked after by the Native Americans. hardship and of provision that the pilgrims experienced.

I love that the US stops everything to observe and remember a time when cultures collided and looked after each other during a time of extreme hardship. To me, this is the best kind of historical moment to commemorate. In New Zealand, we have nothing like this national holiday, and it is a shame because generosity and selflessness needs to be ritually recognised.

Sharing a meal together is so intimate and so personal. It’s different to signing peace or independence documents. I love that the Thanksgiving Holiday is observed by breaking bread together, by connecting with each other. It’s about relationship.

Why it’s important to be Thankful

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday because it creates an opportunity to take stock of what we have that we can be grateful for.

I like to think of myself as a thankful, grateful person, but to be honest, thankfulness requires intentionality. This national holiday puts thankfulness in the spotlight and guides people to perceive their blessings (which they possibly didn’t recognise as blessings before).

Having an attitude of thankfulness is a weapon against depression and anxiety. Being thankful helps us to see our circumstances through a more empowering lens. When we are thankful, we are mobilised to do more.

The Bible actually requires us to be thankful in all circumstances. It is God’s will for us (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18). God is not sadistic and requires us to be thankful simply to bend us to his will. No, it is his will for us to have life and life abundantly, and being thankful is a way in which we can achieve that.

When we are thankful, we perceive our life as being abundant. But our perceptions are powerful – when we perceive our lives as abundant, we enjoy abundance. It’s all about perception.

What is the opposite of thankfulness? Despair. Depression. Resentment. None of these are good for us, are they? No. They rob us of life.

So be intentional about being Thankful! Then your life will abound with good things.

It’s not Thanksgiving without Dessert

I don’t know about you, but I have a really strong sweet tooth. For me, dinner is not over until dessert has been consumed. Dessert is just a little something which makes me very happy. Thankful, if you will!

To have Thanksgiving without Dessert…well, it’s unheard of, isn’t it? The table needs to be groaning with Thanksgiving desserts. Then the party can really begin!

3 Thanksgiving Dessert Tips

If you are making a dessert to bring to a party, or as host, then here are my 3 top tips to avoid stress and keep you in a thankful frame of mind.

  1. Make ahead – consider making your dessert the day before or even a week before your party (if it can be frozen, such as a cake). Desserts can be pretty finnicky and sometimes they don’t turn out, just when you want them to! If you make them ahead of time, then you don’t have to deal with a failed dessert the day of, plus you can relax closer to the time. It’s really hard to engage with people when you are anxious, and this is a time to connect with people, not to be worrying about dessert.
  2. Keep it simple – the last thing you need is to be dealing with lots of different thanksgiving desserts or components or garnishes. Stick to one spectacular dessert, such as a large cake, and let your focus be making that really delicious. If you spread yourself over lots of different treats, they could turn out mediocre. All people need is one really amazing dessert to make them impressed. Then, just buy ice cream or whipped cream to pair with it.
  3. Think about your guests – it is so common in this age to be sensitive to something – nuts, dairy, gluten, even eggs! But there are also a wealth of delicious thanksgiving desserts that don’t contain any of these (like this one), which everyone will enjoy. Do your research with plenty of time to plan and execute – that will save a lot of stress on the day!

27 Warming Thanksgiving Dessert Recipes that will Wow your Sweet Tooth

It's sweet and spice and all things nice with all these electrifying Thanksgiving desserts. From Apple Cinnamon Cakes, to Sweet Potato Treats, you will find something to love in this list of delectable sweets.

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