Share the Simple Love!

Do you know that you do not need to spend money to romance yourself or your significant other? In fact, the chances are that your loved one would respond more to a well-thought out activity that costs nothing, than an expensive date where you are not actually present! In this article, I am going to share some of my Favourite Budget-Friendly Date Night ideas.

These activities are so fun and easy – you won’t even need to leave the house! Get ready to take your relationship to the next level of connection!

Enjoy Date Night? Why not check out my MasterChef-Inspired Date Night Ideas!

1. Wife’s Choice

This date night idea is so fun, plus it builds trust and connection. It makes wifey feel heard and understood, plus who doesn’t like having everything their way? Hubby, when she says jump; you say, “how high?!” and prepare yourself for a great time.

2. Husband’s Choice

Same deal. “Just Go With It” and have fun!

3. Kid’s Choice

If you have kids, why not do a date together, with them calling the shots? Or, if you don’t, why don’t you pretend you are kids again and do the things you remember doing as a child? Why not eat a whole bag of lollies – no-one is going to stop you!!

4. Spa night

Spa Date Night
Relaxing and Unwinding…what better for a mid-week date night?

Each partner “orders” their spa treatment – massage, face masks, foot pedicure. You are only limited by your imagination. Physical nurturing like this is a great connector.

5. Watch a “Classic” movie

My Fair Lady, the Sound of Music, 12 Angry Men. It is amazing to watch these movies simply to observe how much culture and society has changed.

6. Watch your favourite Kid’s movie

Lion King, Mary Poppins, Chitty Chitty Bang Bang. You might be surprised how much you enjoy it as an adult (and how much went over your head when you first watched it!)

7. Fill out a diary

Or nice piece of paper about your love story.  File it somewhere safe. Sometimes you forget the details so it is good to note it down while you can still remember. You never know when you might want to read back on something like this!

8. Make a “Time Machine” box

Fill it with mementos and sentimental trinkets, love letters to each other, dreams for the future, photos. How fun to try and make it represent your present, and anticipate your future!

9. Do a Cardio Workout together

You’re probably thinking: “Her poor husband!!” We actually haven’t done this one. But I do think that going for a run together along the beach or a walk is such a nice, energising, wholesome use of time. Plus, you feel SO good from all those endorphins!

10. Have an at-home “Wine and Draw” class. 

Just look up a How-to-draw video on YouTube and follow along with your pad and pen. It’s fun to see how different your drawings turn out. And with a glass of wine, how sophisticated!

11. Re-live your wedding day

I know, I know. But no one else is there on your date night? What’s the shame in re-living one of the most beautiful and symbolic days of your relationship? You could dance to the music that was played, try to emulate the menu.

Heck, you could even wear your wedding dress! Go on, dare you!

12. Write a poem about each other

This could be as lovey-dovey or as hilarious as you make it.

I encourage you to get as cooey as you can bear. Date Nights are so special because they provide the setting for you to be really tender towards your significant other. When else can you be?

13. Build a fort and sleep out in the living room

Need I say more?

14. Take a Language Lesson together

On YouTube of course (we’re being budget-friendly here, remember?!) You could even serve food from that country, too!

This is an awesome thing to do together if you have an overseas trip planned.  Learning the language builds anticipation plus you are setting yourself up to have better time over there. 

Or, if your partner is foreign, learning their language is a great way to connect over their mother tongue (and is especially handy if you plan to have bi-lingual children!).

15. Cook up a gourmet feast

Check out my Masterchef-themed Date Night ideas. You could go really fancy and technical. It doesn’t have to be quick, or easy or Child-friendly.

Plus, if you do it all yourself, you save money by not going to a fancy restaurant, AND you add some skills to your repertoire!

16. Write a love letter to one another

Because why not??! Your grandchildren will love you for it.

Oh, and your spouse.

17. Dance the night away to your favourite songs

Didn’t you ever dream of dancing with Prince Charming? Well, now you’ve got him! And those arms are all yours, all the time.

Don’t wait for the next “event” before you dance with your man – you may be waiting a while!

Word to the Wise: Nat King Cole has great music for slow dancing.

18. Would you Rather?

Have a list of questions ready for you and your partner to ask each other. You might be surprised what you find out about them, on a superficial level. 

Or not.

19. Concoct the world’s best sundaes!

This could be my favourite idea.

20. Have a late night picnic

Date Night picnic
Ah, the serenity

Set up a rug, a thermos, and some snacks, under the stars (weather permitting, of course).

21. Learn something new together

Watch a YouTube documentary or figure out some kind of DIY thing.  We made our own sourdough starter 3 months into our marriage as something to “do together”.  4 years on, ‘Doughie’ lives! 

The possibilities are endless.

22. Board game night 

Ticket to ride is a good one for couples, or Monopoly if your relationship can withstand the fire!

23. Quiz night

Look up a Believe it or not Quiz on YouTube (there should be quite a few on there from during the pandemic), and do it together, as a team or maybe compete against each other!

No need to get a baby sitter or have to buy a drink at a pub to get that Quiz Night in! You could even invite some friends over to yours, and host it.

24. Do a puzzle together

Puzzle date night
Couples that puzzle together…puzzle together

Puzzle building tends to only come out over Christmas for us – is that the same for you? But, if you are at a loose end of what to do, pull out your Wasgij and get addicted!

25. Listen to a Podcast.

Because they’re inspiring, and open up new ideas that possibly hadn’t even entered your consciousness.

26. Just dream about the future. 

Talk about what you want to do/achieve in the next 5-10-15 years and look at ways you can make it happen.   Write it down.

Like Date Night Ideas on a Budget? Check out this Article:
Masterchef inspired date night ideas

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